
The Link at Blackstone

Located in Fresno, California

Transit Oriented Development

Unit Breakdown: 91 residential units

1 Bedroom: 31 units buildings 

2 Bedroom: 31 units 

3 Bedroom: 29 units                                       

In the past few years, the City of Fresno has taken significant steps in responding to the changing needs of its growing population, shifting regional forces, and evolving challenges that come with it. The Link at Blackstone is an important step in realizing the vision and direction set forth in the General Plan through transit supportive infill development. The Link will be a catalyst project situated at two major intersections along future high quality Bus Rapid Transit stops (BRT). The proposed project area is located in a disadvantaged area and will help achieve the public policy objectives of the SJVAPCD by meaningfully improving conditions for residents.

This development presents significant opportunities for land use intensification and public realm improvements to expand transit ridership. It is expected that this development will not only improve safety and passenger amenities, but also pedestrian amenities such as improved sidewalks, crosswalks, access to transit stops and streetscape along these corridors while significantly reducing vehicle use and emissions. The Link at Blackstone will help to reduce the vehicle miles traveled (VMT) through investments into public transit, creating walkable neighborhoods and closing the gap between the pre-existing bicycle network

The Link at Blackstone will be pursuing the LEED Gold accreditation. Additionally, this development will achieve the Net Zero Energy status through the use of solar arrays.